
How to Remove Heavy Metals From the Body Naturally


Today we’re discussing how to remove heavy metals from the body (in a natural way, of course).

Unfortunately, pretty much every person on the planet has been exposed to heavy metals. Believe it or not, most of us are exposed to them daily through vaccines, foods, cosmetics, metal filling, and water.

Heavy metal toxicity is a common condition that can lead to a variety of serious illnesses. Heavy metals accumulate in the body over time if they are not properly eliminated, and can put stress on the body, resulting in damaged organs and a weakened immune system.

What Are Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals are neurotoxins that can cause Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other brain and neurological disorders. 

And while the medical establishment acknowledges the acute toxicity that occurs due to high levels of heavy metals in the body, many more people suffer from adverse effects of low-level, chronic exposure.

Examples of toxic metals include mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, lead and nickel. 

A 2004 study by the Environmental Working Group discovered that blood samples from newborns contained an average of 287 toxins, including mercury, fire retardants, pesticides and chemicals in non-stick cookware.

Yet while there are dire warning signs out there trying to educate people on the dangers of these toxins, large corporations and industry advocates such as The American Chemistry Council are fighting tirelessly and greedily to block any and all proposed bans on toxic agents that may be a detriment to their profits.

Foods High in Heavy Metals 

While we’re certainly not going to tell you to remove foods with heavy metals from your diet, since we need these metals to some extent, there are some foods that you should really pay attention to.

The following two foods when eaten in excess could lead to dangerous levels of heavy metals in the body.


We all know that tuna can have high levels of mercury, but what is the deal here?

Should we be worried about eating fish?

Yes and no.

If you eat some of the larger fish like tuna, seabass, and halibut on a regular basis then you could be taking on more mercury than is safe.

This is especially true for pregnant women, who could pass on heavy metals to their children.

But in general, eating fish in moderation shouldn’t cause you any real issues.


You wouldn’t think that a food as basic as rice would carry a high amount of heavy metals, but it often does.


Primarily because of the fact that rice is excellent at absorbing arsenic, a heavy metal, from pesticides in the soil.

Certain types of rice are less likely to be high in arsenic than others, such as white basmati rice and sushi rice.

Decreasing Exposure to Heavy Metals

So what can you do?

There are an endless amount of ways you can limit your exposure to toxic metals. 

You can opt for glass, cast iron, carbon steel, titanium, and enamel cookware over aluminum and non-stick cookware, which are well known for their toxic dangers, while stainless steel can expose you to carcinogenic nickel.

You can avoid cosmetics with aluminum bases, mineral powders that contain bismuth, and aluminum-laden antiperspirants. Steer clear of vaccinations that inject mercury or aluminum directly into your bloodstream. 

Remove and avoid any future dental amalgam fillings. Stay away from costume jewelry if you are sensitive to metals. And avoid smoking, as it causes cadmium poisoning (and of course, lung cancer and exposure to over 4,000 other carcinogens).

You also need to focus on eating a healthy diet, including eating foods that contain no added sugar, are natural, organic and unprocessed. These foods should be locally grown and seasonal. Make sure to eat unpasteurized dairy products and fermented foods. 

Get enough healthy fats, and eat at least one-third of your food raw.

There is also a medical procedure called chelation therapy that involves administering synthetic chelating agents that bind with heavy metals in the body to remove them. 

These expensive and time-consuming treatments are administered directly into the bloodstream. Fortunately, there are certain foods you can add to your diet to help eliminate these metals before they build up and create a more serious issue.

The following eight superfoods foods electrically attract and bond to the metals, safely removing them from the body:

1. Spirulina

A blue-green algae that dates back as a food source for the Aztecs in 16th century Mexico, spirulina has been shown as an effective chelating agent for removing toxins such as mercury, as well as radioactive substances from the body. It can also eliminate cadmium and lead from wastewater.

Also a complete protein, containing 8 essential amino acids, it has a plethora of other amazing health benefits as well, like the ability to prevent sniffling and sneezing associated with allergies. It also reinforces your immune system, aids in controlling high blood pressure and cholesterol, and helps protect you from cancer.

2. Chlorella

Another type of green algae, chlorella is a bit more difficult to digest than spirulina, but removes heavy metals from the system extremely effectively. Chlorella’s tough cell walls don’t break down easily, so they effectively bind to toxins in the body and thereby assist with the elimination process. 

It’s specifically beneficial in detoxifying the body of mercury, which many people who’ve had dental fillings, received a vaccine, eaten fish or used certain types of cookware are likely contaminated with. This algae has also been shown to benefit those who suffer from degenerative disease.

Regular consumption of chlorella has even been shown to keep heavy metals from accumulating in our bodies’ soft tissues and organs to begin with.

3. Atlantic Dulse

A type of seaweed rich in important nutrients such as iodine, B vitamins, omega 3s and 6s, Atlantic dulse binds to metals like aluminum, mercury, copper, and lead. It carries them through the colon to be eliminated as opposed to being released back into the body. 

Because it comes from the ocean, you may be concerned about whether or not dulse itself has mercury, but Atlantic sea dulse won’t release mercury it might have into the body because it holds onto it, grabbing other metals along the way and making sure all the toxins are driven out.

4. Cilantro

Cilantro is a popular culinary and medicinal herb, but can also assist with the safe removal of heavy metals within the body. 

It first garnered attention when a soup was reported to enhance mercury excretion following dental amalgam removal. It remains a popular mechanism for toxicity elimination. 

It’s even been found in animals to decrease lead exposure and absorption into bone and inhibition of the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) enzyme. Cilantro is great for consuming raw, especially when adding into salads, as a topping to meals, or even in a fresh juice.

5. Ginger

Thought to be one of the healthiest plants on earth, ginger is a miraculous medicinal powerhouse that has been used for healing for thousands of years.

It offers anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer and antioxidant activities. It is also among the best herbs for heavy metal detoxification, and is often recommended in cleansing programs and detox diets.

Containing a high concentration of gingerol and shoga, which have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects on the gastrointestinal system, there are many ways you can utilize ginger to detox heavy metals, such as a detox bath complete with Epsom salts to create a process called reverse osmosis. 

The process pulls salt and harmful toxins out of the body, allowing magnesium and sulfates to enter the body.

6. Milk Thistle

An edible wild plant known to help liver function, milk thistle is one of the best detoxifying herbs. The liver plays a crucial role in the body’s elimination processes. 

Its active ingredient, silymarin, protects against glutathione depletion and increases glutathione levels in the liver. It strengthens the liver cell walls, which keeps invading toxins out, and supports liver regeneration.

7. Aloe Vera Leaf Juice

Aloe vera is another great addition to a heavy metal detox. It can be taken in juice form or by using the gel from the plant. It works to loosen bowel movements so that toxins can be effectively expelled from the body. 

Cut off a four-inch section of a fresh aloe leaf, trim away the green skin and spikes, scoop out the clear gel, and blend into a smoothie or even eat as is.

8. Garlic

Potent in smell, garlic adds quite a boastful kick to many meals and sauces. It’s also another natural remedy for eliminating heavy metals from the body — most specifically lead and mercury. 

In 1960, a Belgian scientist discovered that, in cases of chronic lead poisoning, garlic was able to detoxify the body and bring it back to health. The sulfur in it is also beneficial in combating mercury poisoning.

Many people are exposed to heavy metals without knowing it — chances are you’re probably one of them. Think about the lead in Michigan and all the states’ reports about their water lead levels. You should include these heavy metal-cleansing foods into your diet to protect your body from daily exposure.

So there you have it, that’s how to remove heavy metals from the body naturally. Have anything to add? Let us know in the comments!

Frequently Asked Questions About Heavy Metals

Can heavy metals be removed from the body?

Yes, heavy metals can indeed be removed from the body with the right dietary choices.

There are many foods, and some medicines, that have been shown to reduce the amount of heavy metals in your body like zinc or iron.

The substances capable of removing heavy metals from the body are known as chelators, so a heavy metal detox can also be referred to as chelation therapy.

What are the symptoms of heavy metals in the body?

Some heavy metals, like iron and zinc, are healthy in the body in moderate quantities.

However, an excess of heavy metals can lead to an array of symptoms as well as in some rare cases heavy metal poisoning.

The main symptoms to keep an eye out for are gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea, kidney and liver damage, and anemia.

What foods have heavy metals?

In the case of heavy metals, it shouldn’t be a case of identifying foods that contain them and removing them from your diet.

This is because to some extent we need heavy metals to thrive, so it’s important to take them on through your diet.

Some of the foods that may have been contaminated by heavy metals during the harvesting process include cereals, wheat, mushrooms, and all types of fish.

A Final Word From Wellness Nova

Heavy metal poisoning is rare, but isn’t completely out of the question if you consume a diet rich in foods that might contain heavy metals.

Usually, though, there’s nothing to worry about, and if you do a heavy metal detox from time to time with the recommended foods then you should be fine.

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Wellness Nova Team

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