We all get congested from time to time, and it can seem like there’s no remedy.
When your sinuses are clogged, you can find it hard to breathe, and your quality of life may suffer, but essential oils could help ease your sinus infection.
There are several essential oils you can rely on to clear your nose, free you from congestion, and alleviate a sinus infection. These include eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, and tea tree, all of which provide an invigorating scent.
If you know how to use essential oils, they can be so much more than just a refreshing scent.
While they won’t be prescribed to you by your doctor, essential oils can be healing and can help alleviate symptoms such as congestion by clearing out the nasal passageways.
This doesn’t apply to all essential oils, though, so you have to know which ones to use and how to use them.
The Best Essential Oils for Sinus Infections
There are four essential oils that are hands-down the best for treating nasal congestion and sinus infections, and they are as follows:
- Eucalyptus
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Tea Tree
Breathe in any one of these essential oils in a diluted state, and you should feel a difference in no time.
These are the kinds of essential oils that seem to shoot cool air up through your nostrils, bringing immense relief from congestion and other sinus-related issues.
Here is a breakdown of each essential oil and what to expect from them:
Eucalyptus is known for its medicinal properties and comes from eucalyptus trees. The oil itself is extracted from the aromatic leaves of the tree. Once distilled, it becomes a powerful essential oil that many people use to alleviate a wide variety of symptoms.
Eucalyptus is most known for its effect on coughing, and mucus build-up, but it can also help you to breathe easier by tackling certain sinus-related symptoms such as congestion.
This is due to the active component in the leaf oil, 1.8-cineole, which has been shown to have a positive effect on allergies such as rhinosinusitis and other respiratory issues.
It should come as no surprise, then, that eucalyptus oil is one of the most common ingredients in many over-the-counter decongestants.
To get the most out of eucalyptus oil, try diluting it and rubbing it onto your chest with a tissue before you go to sleep.
Peppermint is commonly consumed in the form of tea, but it can also make for an excellent essential oil that can alleviate sinus-related symptoms.
Belonging to the mint family, peppermint is taken from the peppermint plant leaves and, like eucalyptus, has several medicinal properties which stem largely from the menthol and menthone chemical compounds present.
The main uses of peppermint oil include relieving congestion, sinusitis, as well as alleviating migraines, and different types of headaches.
Plus, the cooling sensation brought on by inhaling peppermint oil is often experienced as a great source of relief by those with a blocked nose.
To get the most out of peppermint oil, add a few drops to a warm bath, and hop in so that you can breathe in the cooling essential oil as you wind down for the day.
Rosemary is a herb that we often add to potatoes and dishes to add an aromatic touch, but did you know it’s also one of the best essential oils for sinus infections?
It is so renowned for its medicinal properties, in fact, that scientists are starting to conduct tests on it to put clinical evidence behind some of the many health benefit claims.
Rosemary oil’s aroma is key for clearing the nasal passageways and facilitating easier breathing.
Tea Tree
Tea tree is most known as one of the powerhouse essential oils, and it is mainly used to maintain skin, nail, and hair health.
The most significant compound in tea tree oil is terpinen-4-ol, which is known to kill off a number of harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
As such, tea tree oil goes to the root of sinus-related issues by targeting the bacteria or virus that ails you.
Therapeutically, tea tree oil is commonly used to treat sinusitis, rhinitis, and respiratory tract infections.
It can reduce inflammation, and is perhaps best used in an aroma infuser.
How to Use Essential Oils
Once you have your essential oil of choice at the ready, you need to know how to get the best out of it.
If you’ve never used essential oils before, there are a few things you must know before you start thinking about applying or inhaling them.
The first thing is to never directly ingest or swallow any essential oil.
This is a recipe for disaster, and although some people would have you believe that you can ingest them safely, it isn’t worth the risk of potentially messing up your stomach.
Essential oils are exceptionally concentrated, and very potent as a result.
Plus, for dealing with sinus infections, the best approach is to inhale the essential oils anyway.
You have various options in how you inhale the essential oil, including the following methods:
- Using a tissue
By far the easiest way to inhale essential oils is to add a few drops to a tissue, before holding it close to your nose and breathing in. Of course, as you do this, you want to make sure the oil doesn’t come into contact with your skin at any point.
- Added to a warm bath
If you want to get an immersive and relaxing experience, treat yourself to a warm bath, with a few drops of your preferred essential oil for some extra nasal passage-clearing.
- With hot water
If you don’t feel like running yourself a bath and using so much hot water, you can simply fill up a small bowl with warm water, and add a couple of drops of your chosen essential oil.
- In an aroma infuser
Finally, if you own an aroma infuser, then you can fill it up with water and add a couple of drops of one of the essential oils we mentioned above. That way, you can have non-stop exposure to the essential oil, so you can breathe it in as you go about your day.
Frequently Asked Questions About Essential Oils for Sinus Infections
How do you use essential oils for a sinus infection?
The best way to use essential oils for a sinus infection is to dilute them, given how powerful they can be and dangerous to the skin.
To treat congestion or a sinus infection, simply breathe in the aroma of the essential oils by adding them to an aroma infuser or even just to a tissue.
It’s a good idea to use a single drop at first, and then add another if you feel like it would help, since it’s easy to use too much and end up with an overpowering scent.
What is the fastest way to get rid of a sinus infection?
There are several methods you can use to treat or relieve symptoms of a sinus infection quickly.
Many people swear by the neti pot, for example, a device that clears out the sinuses effectively with a saline solution and can be bought at a reasonable price.
Others claim that a few drops of one of the more effective essential oils, such as eucalyptus and tea tree, is enough to clear up symptoms.
Where do you apply peppermint oil for sinuses?
Essential oils like peppermint are versatile, and you can use them in various ways.
The most relaxing way to introduce peppermint oil into your day is to add a few drops to a warm bath, as the combination of steam and essential oil will work wonders for a blocked nose or congestion.
Aside from that, you can try using an aroma infuser, or simply pouring a few drops in a bowl of hot water.
A Final Word From Wellness Nova
Essential oils can help alleviate pressure from sinus infections and reduce congestion if used correctly.
The best essential oils for sinus infections are eucalyptus, peppermint, rosemary, and tea tree, so any of these would be an excellent first purchase if you need congestion relief.